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WWViews on Biodiversity
On Saturday September 15th 2012, thousands of people around the world will take part in a global event: “World Wide Views on Biodiversity”. The project will engage ordinary citizens in as many countries as possible in the process of policymaking and awareness raising to sustain a living and healthy planet. At least a hundred citizens in each participating country will attend day-long meetings to learn about biodiversity issues, make up their minds about them, and express their views. The meetings will start at dawn in the Pacific and continue until dusk in the Americas. All meetings will have the same agenda and use the same approach in order to make results comparable and useful for policymakers gathering the following month in India to discuss future policy measures for preserving biological diversity.

WWViews on Biodiversity in Denmark
The Danish Board of Technology is the national organiser of the WWViews day in Denmark.

The Danish Board of Technology

The Danish Board of Technology was brought into being in order to disseminate knowledge about technology, its possibilities and its effects on people, on society and on the environment.

The Board is supposed to promote the ongoing discussion about technology, to evaluate technology and to advise the Danish Parliament (the Folketing) and other governmental bodies in matters pertaining to technology.


WWViews Venue
The citizen consultation on international biodiversity politics in Denmark will take place on September 15th at:

The Danish Nature Agency
Haraldsgade 53
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

Results of the WWViews in Denmark
Link to the results from the citizen meeting in Denmark

Recruitment Strategy of the WWViews meeting in Denmark
In order to make the results of all the WWViews meetings around the world comparable, the participating citizens at all the meetings were selected according to the same set of criteria. The main criteria were age, gender, residence, education level and occupation. The different criteria should be representative for each participating country.

The aim of the recruitment strategy for the WWViews meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark was therefore to create a miniature version of Denmark, based on the main criteria.

In Denmark every citizen is part of a central registry featuring information such as age and residence and identifiable by a unique code. By ordering a random sample of 200.000 codes of Danes above the age of 18 from the registry, you get their full name and address as well.

Based on demographic information from Statistics Denmark (Danmarks Statistik), 4500 citizens from the random sample were selected based on age, gender and residence. As earlier experience has proved it difficult to get citizens below 40 to participate in citizen meetings, demographic data on 18-29 year olds were multiplied by 2.5 and data on 30-39 year olds by 1.5, thus making sure these groups would receive more invitations.

Invitations were then sent to the 4500 citizens, giving them 3 weeks to sign up to the meeting either online or by mail using a personalized code. When signing up, the citizens was asked to provide their occupation.

Following the deadline for signing up, 140 of the citizens who had signed up were selected to participate, a selection based on the statistical data from Statistics Denmark and the citizens reported occupation. 140 were invited as 30-35 per cent normally jumps from the meeting or do not show up, providing us with at least 100 and no more than 110 participants at the meeting.

Om WWViews og Teknologirådet

WWViews om biodiversitet
Lørdag den 15 september 2012, vil tusindvis af mennesker over hele verden deltager i en global begivenhed: “World Wide Views om biodiversitet”. Projektet vil engagere almindelige borgere i så mange lande som muligt i processen for den politiske beslutningsproces og bevidstgørelse til at opretholde en levende og sund planet. Mindst hundrede borgere i hvert af de deltagende lande vil deltage i daglange møder for at lære om biodiversitetsspørgsmål, gør sig deres tanker om dem, og udtrykke deres synspunkter. Møderne starter ved daggry i Stillehavet og fortsætter, indtil skumring i Amerika. Alle møder vil have den samme dagsorden og bruge den samme fremgangsmåde for at gøre resultaterne sammenlignelige og nyttige for de politiske beslutningstagere samler den følgende måned i Indien til at drøfte fremtidige politiske foranstaltninger til bevarelse af den biologiske mangfoldighed.

WWViews om biodiversitet i Danmark
Teknologirådet er den nationale organisator af WWViews dagen i Danmark.


Teknologirådet er sat i verden for at udbrede kendskabet til teknologi, dens muligheder og dens konsekvenser for både mennesker, samfund og miljø. Teknologirådet skal derfor fremme debatten om teknologi, vurdere
teknologien, og rådgive Folketinget og regeringen i teknologiske spørgsmål.


WWViews Venue
Det danske borgerentopmøde om global biodiversitet vil finde sted den 15. september hos:

Haraldsgade 53
DK-2100 København Ø

Resultaterne af det danske WWViews borgertopmøde
Link til siden med resultater

Information Material for Citizens

World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Material for Citizens – English (The Danish Board of Technology, June 2012)

World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Material for Citizens – Dansk

World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Videos for the Citizens – English (September 15 2012)

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Introduction to Biodiversity – English

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Biodiversity on Land – English

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Biodiversity in the Sea – English

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Burden and Benefit Sharing – English


World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Videos for the Citizens – Dansk (15 september 2012)

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Introduktion til biodiversitet

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Biodiversitet på landjorden

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Biodiversitet i havet

WWVIEWS on Biodiversity – Byrde- og omkostningsfordeling