This page presents press releases, project related videos and photos for press and educational use. All WWViews partners have contributed to The Flickr photo pool about the project.
Press releases
Flickr photo pool
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31-10-2012 World Wide Views on Biodiversity citizen participation project recognized at COP11 in India
20-09-2012 Global citizen consultation for the UN: Great concern for biodiversity and strong support for action
03-09-2012 Global Citizen Participation project on biodiversity about to begin
02-04-2012 Succesful global project launch for biodiversity
26-03-2012 Project Launch Reception
The photos below are from our Flickr group. Visit our Flickr photo pool WWViews on Biodiversity to get the photos with an Attribution-NonCommercial license and see all the photos of biodiversity from our partners and photos from the last WWViews meetings on Global Warming.
Photos from COP11, India 8 to 19 October 2012