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WWViews on Biodiversity
On Saturday September 15th 2012, thousands of people around the world will take part in a global event: “World Wide Views on Biodiversity”. The project will engage ordinary citizens in as many countries as possible in the process of policymaking and awareness raising to sustain a living and healthy planet. At least a hundred citizens in each participating country will attend day-long meetings to learn about biodiversity issues, make up their minds about them, and express their views. The meetings will start at dawn in the Pacific and continue until dusk in the Americas. All meetings will have the same agenda and use the same approach in order to make results comparable and useful for policymakers gathering the following month in India to discuss future policy measures for preserving biological diversity.

WWViews on Biodiversity in VIETNAM
The Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES) is the national organiser of the WWViews day in VIETNAM.


The Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES) is a public, non-profit educational and research institution within Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA). Since 2000, CARES has been extended its capacity, research scope, and international cooperation. Most of the projects implemented by CARES are international ones (see more at the present, CARES consists of 3 major working groups: (1) Integrated agro-systems development; 2) Technological innovations and knowledge transfer; (3) Institutional research and policy advocacy. Recognized as one of the threats towards the sustainable development of the country, biodiversity has been a focus aspect of CARES research.

CARES Partners:

1. Department of Biodiversity Conservation,Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)

Dr.Pham Anh Cuong, head of the dept. of Biodiversity Conservation

Contact person: Dr.Nguyen Thi Phuong Mai


2. Vietnamese Seed Association (VSA)

Prof. Tran Dinh Long

Sonha 20 Ngo 283, Doican Street, Badinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
84-04-37623641; Mobile phone: 84-0903288088


3. Vietnam Television Agency (VTV)

Contact person: Dr. Ta Bich Loan

Head of VTV6 channel


4. Research Institute for the Management of Seas and Island, MONRE

34A, Lane 84,Chua Lang street, Dong Da,Hanoi

Contact person: Dr. Du Van Toan

Head of Marine Resources Dept.


Center for Agriculturl Research and Ecological Studies


Trung tâm Sinh thái Nông nghiệp (CARES) là đơn vị trực thuộc trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội (HUA) hoạt động phi lợi nhuận trên các lĩnh vực đào tạo, nghiên cứu và chuyển giao công nghệ. Từ năm 2000 đến nay, CARES đã không ngừng phát triển năng lực, quy mô nghiên cứu và hợp tác quốc tế. Đa số các dự án của CARES là ccas dự án quốc tế (xem trang Hiện tại Trung tâm gồm 3 nhóm hoạt động chính: (i) Phát triển hệ thống nông nghiệp tổng hợp; (ii) chuyển giao khoa học công nghệ; (iii) Nghiên cứu chính sách và thể chế. Đa dạng sinh học là một trong những hướng nghiên cứu tập trung của CARES nhằm đảm bảo sự phát triển bền vững lâu dài của đất nước.

Các đơn vị tham gia:

  1. Cục bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học, Tổng cục Môi trường (VEA), Bộ Tài Nguyên và Môi trường (MONRE)

TS.Phạm Anh Cường, Cục trưởng

Người liên lạc: TS.Nguyễn Thị Phương Mai


  1. Hội Giống Việt Nam (VSA)
GS. Trần Đình Long
Sonha 20 Ngõ 283, Phố Đội Cấn, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
84-04-37623641; Mobile phone: 84-0903288088


  1. Đài truyền Hình Việt Nam (VTV)

Người liên lạc: TS. Tạ Bích Loan

Phụ trách kênh truyền hình VTV6


  1. Cục Biển và hải đảo, Bộ TNMT

34A, Lane 84, Chua Lang street, Dong Da, Hanoi

Người liên lạc: TS. Dư Văn Toán

Trưởng phòng Tài nguyên Biển.


WWViews Venue

The citizen consultation on international biodiversity politics in VIETNAM will take place on September 15th at Conference hall of Hanoi University of Agriculture, Trau Quy, Gia Lam, Hanoi in Vietnam.

Conference hall of Hanoi University of Agriculture
The main Administrative Building
Trau Quy, Gia Lam, Hanoi, Vietnam

Results of the WWViews in VIETNAM
Link to the results from Vietnam
World Wide Views on Biodiversity in Vietnam - Hanoi 15th September 2012
Find more photos from the citizen meeting in Vietnam on Flickr
The participating citizens in Vietnam

To learn how Vietnamese citizens view biodiversity, participating citizens were lay people, chosen to reflect the demographic diversity within their country, with regards to age, gender, occupation, education, and geographical zone of residency (i.e. city and countryside) and membership of environmental organization. 130 citizens were invited to the WWViews meeting, but only 106 citizens confirmed to joint the meeting. On the day of the event 15 September 2012, 84 citizens from different parts of Northern Vietnam came to the meeting. They reflected the composition of the population and the results were a credible snap shot of the views of the population in a country or region in general.

In Vietnam, more than 70% population is farmers in rural area and they are hardly to assess different types of media from WWViews (i.e website, internet, television agencies, radio, etc.). In addition, most citizens are busy with their works and bad transportation is another constraint in Vietnam. WWViews event’s organizer in Vietnam has decided to invite citizens, who are relatives to students at Hanoi University of Agriculture. We considered that these citizens will come with both purposes: Joint the meeting and visit Hanoi University of Agriculture.

Citizen recruitment method was applied as following steps:
(i) The organizer used the list of students at faculty of Natural Resources and Environment (2,000 students) for randomly selected 130 students. A day meeting was organized to explain to the selected students about the purpose of WWViews global meeting event on biodiversity and content of the meeting. The chosen students were asked to call to their relatives to inform about the WWViews meeting.
(ii) On the same time, WWViews event organizer was searching student’s address and called to their parents and relatives to inform the 15-September-event and invite them to participate.
(iii) Sending the invitation letter to the citizens who confirmed to participate in the WWViews event. 106 invitation letters with detailed program of WWViews event day have been sent to the confirmed participants.
Documentary on the process and the results of World Wide Views on Biodiversity – English


Information Material for Citizens

World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Material for Citizens – English (The Danish Board of Technology, June 2012)


World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Material for Citizens – Vietnamese – tiếng Việt

World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Videos for the Citizens – English

1. Introduction to biodiversity, 2. Biodiversity on land, 3. Biodiversity in the sea, 4. Burden and Benefit Sharing