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WWViews on Biodiversity
On Saturday September 15th 2012, thousands of people around the world took part in a global event: “World Wide Views on Biodiversity”. The project engaged ordinary citizens in 25 countries in the process of policymaking and awareness raising to sustain a living and healthy planet. About hundred citizens in each participating country attended day-long meetings to learn about biodiversity issues, make up their minds about them, and express their views. The meetings started at dawn in the Pacific and continue until dusk in the Americas. All meetings had the same agenda and used the same approach in order to make results comparable and useful for policymakers gathered in October 2012 in India to discuss future policy measures for preserving biological diversity.
Local language: Bemba
Imisungile bwino bwino lyesonde lyonse
Pa bushiku bwapa Chibelushi pa 15 mumweshi was Lusuba Lunono, amakana namakana yabantu isonde lyonse bakabulako imbali mucila ca Chesonde lyonse icho chikalalanda pabwikashi busuma bwampaga, imimana ne nama”.Uyu mulimo ukakuma nobimbamo abekala calo mufyalo ifyingi mukufwaya ukuti bashimafunde no buteko bakeshibe pabuchindami bakusunga isonde bwino bwino.
Ukufika ne mpendwa umwanda umo uwabekala muchilacalo bakasndako imbali muchilonganino chabushiku bumo pakusambilishanya pafyakubaka isonde lyonse, nokusosa ifyo abene balemona fifwile fyachitwapo pali uyu wino mulandu. Ukulongana uku kumba kufwalo fyakukabanga ukelekesha ifyakumasamba.
Ukulonga ukwamufyalo fyonse kukalasosafye pafintu fimofine nomusango watekelamo nokwenseshamo uku kwine kulongana kukabafye kumokwine, pakutila ifikalasoswa mufyalo fyonse kuti fyapalinishiwa kufibeye. Ichi chikalenga ukuti ilyo bampanga mafunde nabamumabuteko abo bakakumana ku calo cha India mukulanshanya palwamisungile yesonde bwino bwino kuntanshi bakapoke ishiwi limoline ilyakondenkana ukufuma mufyalo fyonse.
WWViews on Biodiversity in Zambia
The Talent Africa is the national organiser of the WWViews day in Zambia
Introduction of Talent Africa
Broadly, Talent Africa works in the area of Institutional building and Organisational Development. The focus of Talent Africa is facilitating processes that enable Business, Government, Civil Society organisations and communities to orchestrate profound and sustainable change that assures extraordinary performance and sustainability. Talent Africa is great capacity and experience is mobilising comunities and in participatory learnin and action methodologies.
Talent Africa’s uniqueness lies not only in the services it offers but also in the way in which it approaches its work and its customers and communities; T. A’s work is highly organizational tailored, practical and participatory. T. A regards its customers and communities as highly talented and gifted people to work with. Talent Africa works with the assumption that in order for organisations and communities to nurture the talents and giftedness of their people, they need a different type of leadership and management style.
Talent Africa works in policy engagement area aimed and providing a deeper and wider voice of the larger community including those that may be generally excluded and ignored by people and systems. Talent Africa has a great affection for participatory as well as action learning approaches. Talent Africa is rich in process facilitation as well as community and mass mobilisation and facilitation.
Talent Africa seeks to co-create new possibilities with its customers in order to bring about organisations and communities that pass for “greatness”.
TalentAfrica, therefore, works with its customers to:
Talent Africa is deeply committed to facilitating greatest success for its customers by providing processes through which the organisations and communities will invent their own new desired future possibilities and embody them. TalentAfricahas utmost respect and belief in the human genius to invent new possibilities.
The citizen consultation on international biodiversity politics in Zambia will take place on September 15th at MIKA Hotel in Lusaka.
FOCUS GROUP MEETING – Pre-testing of information material and questions
Zambia is one of the five countries that will participate in piloting this year’s WWViews focus group discussion questionnaire to be used in the WWViews on biodiversity meeting on 15 September. The aim of this exercise is to pre-test the information material and the questions regarding their effectiveness and suitability to different cultural and regional settings. The feedback from the focus group will help in fine tuning and further improving the information materials and questions to be finally used at the 15 September meeting.
Zambia’s pilot focus group discussion meeting will take place on Saturday, 26 May 2012. The focus group will comprise nine people: five female and four male participants all coming from different backgrounds with varied education levels. They include housewives, entrepreneur, government workers, farmer, teacher and development worker. Their ages range between 29 and 50 years. They are all coming from one province.
In preparation for the focus group discussion, the fact sheet was downloaded and is being circulated to the would-be participants who all understand and speak English. Our approach to hosting the focus group discussion will simulate the WWViews event; that is beginning with the introduction by our team, reading the first chapter of information material, followed by questions of the first chapter and a 40 minutes discussion. Voting will follow after and the process will be repeated for all the remaining chapters.
At the end of the focus group discussion we will compile notes and observations which we will forward to DBT.
Results of the WWViews
Link to the results from the citizen meeting in Zambia
Recruitment strategy
How were potential participants found?
To get in contact with potential participants, the following strategy/strategies was/were used:
Invitation letters and visits were made to 170 citizens in three regions selected based urban, semi –urban and rural criteria. The citizens were invited to the WWViews meeting on September 15 to be held in Lusaka. Contact details were provided regional main town from where citizens were selected using simple random sampling. This happened especially in urban and semi urban regions.
In the rural region, citizens were invited via Face-to-Face following certain demographic parameters. Regional networks such as the community based organisations were used to spread the word and selection under close supervision of Talent Africa. This criteria was used because citizens in rural area lack reliable communication systems such as telephone, emails and postal services.
How were the participants for the citizen meeting selected?
From the initial number of citizen’s contacted, 120 were selected and invited to join the meetings taking into consideration, geographical, age, gender, education and occupation parameters aiming to reflect the distribution of the general population. The main parameters used for the selection were age, gender, residence, education level and occupation. In our selection as mentioned above geographical parameter was highly taken into consideration; hence our selecting of three regions representing Urban, semi – Urban and rural regions.
Find more photos from the citizen meeting in Zambia on Flickr
Documentary on the process and the results of World Wide Views on Biodiversity
Information Material for Citizens
World Wide Views on Biodiversity – Information Videos for the Citizens – English
1. Introduction to biodiversity, 2. Biodiversity on land, 3. Biodiversity in the sea, 4. Burden and Benefit Sharing